I wanted to thank Flash Fiction Magazine for accepting “Rock of Ages.” Never give up on your writing dream!...
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I’m Alive!
A few years ago, I had lunch with the U.S. Children’s Poet Laureate, J. Patrick Lewis. My heart pounded as I carefully placed each bite of food in my mouth, making sure not to dribble down my front....
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Scary Stories and the Heebie-Jeebies
There was a time when I liked to watch scary movies on television. From the safety of my living room, I would let the creepy sensations pass through me as I viewed the terror on screen. It was like pe...
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Happy 200th!
James and John were in their early twenties when they went to their father asking for a loan. As apprentices in the printing industry, they had a vision to create a new publishing firm in New York Cit...
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Piecing It Together
I like beginnings. So much potential lies at the beginning–the launch of a business, the first day of school, or Chapter One of a book. I also find it easy to start something and not finish it. ...
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Writing Critique Sandwich
Are you making a mistake when critiquing other writers? Whether you critique in online communities or meet in person, critiquing has a set of rules you should know before agreeing to check someone els...
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Time to Write
Time. It’s free, yet it’s priceless. We all have it and use it, but where does it go? Time flies when you’re having fun. Life rushes by in a moment. There is a time to every purpose, and each da...
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